
Do You Want A Proper Grease Compatibility Chart?


Most of the engineers and technicians working in maintenance activities in any kind of industry always look for a consistent lubrication item for industrial plants so that they can use the same products for a longer time. This will lead to smooth equipment operation, but often few conditions may dictate a change in the lubricant.

As far as lubricating oils are concerned, often it is possible to completely change the fluid and when that is impossible, then compatibility of the lubricating fluids is easily determined.

However, in the case of grease-lubricated applications, it is normally impossible to remove the entire old grease from the machine while changing grease. Typically, every grease supplier may advise to purge their grease as much as possible through any grease-dispensing system to displace the old used grease product.

However, if both the greases are compatible then this may not be needed. If you are looking for an SKF grease chart(ตารางจารบี SKF) then you can consult with the distributor of SKF bearing in the southeastern Asian countries, Teo Nooseng Co., Ltd., or visit their website.

Examining compatibility charts

Many companies rely while making important maintenance decisions on various compatibility charts. You can readily get these charts in certain published papers, web pages, or periodicals. However, you can hardly find the origin of these charts or any research report to know about the compatibility relationships.

Recently 17 compatibility charts available were evaluated to find the differences and it was attempted to find how many times the same descriptions had appeared in the charts. Eventually, three products were identified that were found in all the 17 different grease items.

These three products were:

  • Aluminium complex
  • Lithium complex
  • Calcium complex.

However, here the commonality ends. 25 total number of different product descriptions were seen in all seventeen tables. Quite a few must have been referring to almost the similar product categories however, their nomenclatures were different, so it becomes very difficult to decide where there might be certain overlap.


Among the various charts, many contradictions were also found. For example, one of the charts indicated that barium-complex grease and clay-thickened grease are compatible, while others suggested they are incompatible.

Another chart listed polyurea grease and calcium complex are borderline compatible, but another chart showed they are totally incompatible.

Despite so many significant disagreements between different charts, all of them had one common thing – few provided any reference or link about any research findings that were ever conducted to develop them.

Therefore, all these charts that are used for making significant design and engineering decisions are contradictory and also do not tell the actual source of information or any research done to compile them.

After a close observation, it becomes clear that most of these charts are derived from each other. A few charts also include a disclaimer, stating that clean out the entire old grease to avoid any mixing, or possibly that the charts were accurate when they were published.

Therefore, it is a challenge to find a single authoritative chart that you can use with confidence when you make decision regarding grease mixing.

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