Have you or someone you know been involved in an accident and sustained personal injuries? Personal injury is a term used in Tort law to explain any injuries, whether physical or emotional, that an individual suffers from an accident caused by another person’s carelessness or negligence. Most personal injuries include auto accidents, slip and fall, falling objects, pet injuries, and construction site accidents. When you are involved in an accident, it can be confusing where to start or what to do. It is crucial if you’ve been in an accident, keep calm and ensure your safety. Here is what you can do after a personal injury.
Seek Medical Care
After an accident, the first thing you should do is to check whether you or other people with you have sustained any injuries. If you are seriously injured, call the emergency hotlines for medical assistance. It is crucial to have your body checked by a doctor, even if there are no physical injuries. The doctor will evaluate you and run the necessary tests to ensure that you are fine and did not sustain any internal injuries. A doctor’s report will help you when filing for your injury claim while following the California Tort Claims Act.
Contact the Police
After an accident has occurred, contacting the police is something you should not forget to do. Having a law enforcement officer to document the accident can significantly advance your case. In a personal injury case, you must prove that you were injured; hence any document or report that can help your case is crucial.
Take Part in the Investigation
If you are not seriously injured, stay at the site longer and collect any evidence you will find at the scene. Take photos or even a video that shows the extent of the accident. Check around the scene and identify any surveillance cameras that could have recorded what transpired. In case some people witnessed the accident, take their details and contact information so that your lawyer may contact them if their testimonies are needed. Take as much evidence as you can before anyone can tamper with it. Disclose any information that you deem necessary for the case. Please provide them with the evidence you collected and don’t leave out any detail.
Contact a Personal Injury Attorney
An experienced personal injury attorney will help ensure you receive the compensation you deserve for the damages incurred. The attorney will inform you about the status of your case and the chances you have to win. The lawyer will also advise you on the legal actions you can take against your perpetrators according to the California Tort Claims Act.
File a Claim
If you are in a position to file a claim, file it as soon as you can. In case you are badly injured, check with your insurance provider whether a third party can file the claim for you and the duration within which you should file your claim. You may not receive your compensation if you don’t file your claim or if you file it too late. While at it, ensure you don’t sign any document without your lawyer being present. The only person who has your best interests at heart is your lawyer and they are well conversant with the California Tort Claims Act. The insurance adjusters are known to make the victims agree to less compensation since their main aim is for the insurance to pay less compensation for damages.
In case you sustain personal injuries due to another person’s negligence, you are entitled to proper compensation for any damages such as loss of wages, medical expenses, pain and suffering, and any other damages. The California Tort Claims Act facilitates you to get the right compensation even if it’s the government that has caused the injuries.
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