What Makes a Good Exhibition Stand


Despite the efficiency and popularity of digital marketing, having your own exhibition stand at exhibition shows is still a very useful and practical form of traditional marketing that works wonders to this day. 

Regardless of whether you already have experience in organizing your brand’s exhibition stand or are a complete newbie on the matter, the following tips will help you create the ideal stand for boosting your brand’s awareness.

Your Display Shouldn’t Be Cluttered or Empty

The main attraction of your booth at the exhibition show will be the products you want to promote and have on display.

It can be very tempting to display a whole range of the products you offer, but if you offer a whole lot, it would be more effective to opt for those that are the most popular. If there are too many things on display at your stand, the entire setup will appear cluttered and less attractive. Visitors won’t be able to take a good look at specific products either.

On the other hand, you shouldn’t practice minimalism to an excess either. That can create an impression that your brand doesn’t really have a lot to offer and it might come off as boring and plain to the visitors.

Utilize Lighting to the Fullest

Exhibition shows are typically brimming with people. Attendees, even though interested in checking out different booths, can soon get tired and experience considerable eye strain as they move from one display to another. If you want to entice them with your stand, you have to make sure that the entire area is well lit.

Not only will good lighting help the visitors check out what you have to offer as there wouldn’t be any issues with visibility, it will also shine a light on your banners, promotional content, and other materials.

Maintain a Tidy and Neat Stand

Clutter is not only an issue when it comes to displays but the entire stand as well. As people come and go, chances are there will be a lot of leaflets left lying around, dust and dirt left from shoes, and other bits and bobs that the visitors could have dropped.

In order to keep your exhibition stand attractive, make it a point to clean it periodically. Go around picking up discarded papers, materials, and other rubbish. Also, quickly sweep the area every once in a while.

Superb Design and Graphics

No exhibition stand can look professional and attract attendees if it doesn’t showcase adequate promotional content, materials, and design. The graphics have to be of the highest quality, with bold fonts, and well-incorporated branding. This is why it’s paramount to work with professional designers, such as the experts at Printroom, for example.

Even though it’s not necessary to crowd your stand with a bunch of different banners and promotions, it’s still crucial to have those promotional elements that will be striking enough to draw attention and engage the target audience.

Make Use of Promotional Gifts

A successful exhibition show is the one where brands can ensure that the visitors will remember them and keep talking about them even after the show. Aside from leaflets and brochures, this can be achieved thanks to free gifts and samples.

Every interested individual should be able to receive a freebie of sorts that will prove to be useful or interesting. For an added effect, don’t hesitate to throw giveaways which will feature products with your branding that might be considered more special and unique.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a big company or still a small business; it’s the free gifts/samples that make people hold you in higher regard and turn back to your products/services.

Engage with the Visitors

Even with the amazing design, great gifts, and attractive displays, your exhibition stand won’t do well if the support staff looks bored. The key ingredient to top off a successful exhibition is to show your own interest in what your brand represents and offers in order to spark that same interest in your visitors.

Stumbling across exhibition staff that looks unfriendly means that the visitors would rather avoid getting engaged, let alone ask questions. It’s your responsibility to create a warm and pleasant atmosphere ideal for networking.

Your exhibition stand should feature your brand but it should also cater to the present attendees. Make sure that the layout is well organized so that the traffic can flow smoothly, thus minimizing the chances of people avoiding your stand due to crowds. 

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