What is affiliate marketing and How to Make Use of the Same?


Affiliate marketing first appeared on the Internet in 1998. Since then, it has come a long way and today it can offer really interesting opportunities for companies and online stores, as well as for so-called publishers. The whole system works in such a way that the publisher’s task is to bring customers to the end merchant, the advertiser. It can do this through various promotional channels, but websites and social networks are most commonly used. The publisher places an advertising banner or a commission link on these, through which the customer gets to the advertiser’s website. If he performs the required action, such as purchasing or filling out a form, the publisher receives a commission.

The Right Forms

No form of marketing communication is suitable for everyone. Even affiliate marketing has its specifics and it is best to discuss this promotion option with an expert. But if we dare to generalize, the greatest benefit will be affiliate marketing for large and medium-sized companies, which will complement the marketing mix and help persuade the customer to buy from them.

For smaller companies without a well-known brand and unique product, it will be necessary to offer a higher commission for affiliate partners. The affiliate partner has only a limited capacity to provide space for promotion and decides who to promote. I don’t like to draw general conclusions, but again, if I had to simplify the answer, the publisher would be interested in a well-known brand or a high commission. The use of the Evergreen Wealth Formula happens to be most useful here. Also be aware of the The unethical practice of fake reviews here as well.

How did the idea originate? What helped this project to grow the most?

The first cashback portals were created in Great Britain and the USA. Cashback suddenly became an driver of affiliate marketing and it was therefore only a matter of time before this phenomenon reached the Czech Republic. Full Wallet was created in 2012 as a hobby project at work. Already in 2013, the Wallet had thousands of users and it was clear that it deserved more attention.

What is your advice on how to fulfill it?

Today, there are countless opportunities all around us. If you want to fill your wallet today and you are not afraid of work, they will be happy to welcome you everywhere. In the same way, we at Open Full Walls have open vacancies, for example, we are currently looking for skilled programmers and traders.

What is it? How is the size of cashbacks determined?

Cashback is just the part of the money from the purchase that Full Wallet will return to your account. At Full Wallet, you can choose one of almost 700 e-shops, click on one of them and buy. The Full Wallet and the e-shop you click into are business partners. The e-shop will pay a commission for the customer brought in this way and we will share this commission with you. The size of the cashback is determined by the client, but we usually consult the appropriate amount in advance.

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