
A Guide to Dressing Up Like a True Gentleman


A gentleman was once defined as a ranked member of the gentry of England — oftentimes one of nobility and peerage. Its French equivalent also means nobleman — generally described as part of hereditary ruling status and lordship over vast areas of lands. The term gentleman denoted nobility, status, manly elegance, and manly grace.

Fast-forward to today. Being a gentleman is now regarded as a rarity amongst men of all ages. It has allegedly become a luxury to find a gentleman in the midst of a crowd. The modern gentleman’s definition has been redefined to being something else. No longer are they associated with the noble classes in England. Now, being a gentleman is a characteristic. Women of all ages consider being a gentleman to be one of the best defining characteristics of being a man. The term encompasses all the good values of what a man should be.

However, being a gentleman is not only conducting yourself in a certain manner. Being a true gentleman nowadays also encompasses being always neat, dressing up clean, and always smelling good. If you already know how to conduct yourself as a good gentleman, how can you look the part? How can you dress up like a true gentleman?

Here are some ideas to spruce up your way to becoming a gentleman:

Update Your Wardrobe

The first thing you must-do if you want to dress up like a gentleman is update your wardrobe. Part of being a gentleman is appearing presentable and pleasant to the eyes. Redefining what you wear in casual settings can go a long way. Shorts are not casual wear. To look dapper, make sure you have a nice pair of jeans or trousers to go with your collared shirt. Start removing your raggedy casual wear and invest in new sets of suave clothes.

Also, invest in plain and neutral colors for clothing. Neutrally colored shirts are easy to pair with any trousers and footwear. They are also handy for any occasion. Capitalize on tailored formal wear like suits, coats, long sleeves, and ties. Getting spruce and debonair footwear to go with your new inventory should also be a priority. These simple upgrades apt for a gentleman can go a long way in making you look and feel good.


Get a Haircut

Getting a sharp haircut should be routinely done once every few months. A gentleman’s crowning glory is his hair or the absence thereof. Look neat by having those hair ends trimmed and groomed. Nothing says gentleman more than a dapper and clean looking haircut. For those who have thinning hair, become more gentleman-like by shaving it all over. Nothing pouts out confidence than having it neat and shaven. The barber can also help trim your beard as well. Self shaving just won’t cut it. Having a professional look at your facial hair and having them shave it according to your face’s shape will work wonders with how you look.


Protect Your Smile

The smile is the gentleman’s greeting. In general, people respond to smiles more than their absence. Part of a gentleman’s wardrobe is his smile. If they are crooked, it’s never too late to have them braced up. Protect it by brushing your teeth every day and going to the dentist every six months for a checkup. Engaged in a physical sport? Make sure to wear protective gear. Wear your football mouth guard and helmet when playing football. Wear a mouthguard when engaged in contact sports. There is nothing more valuable than having your teeth complete and aligned. Those are permanent and can never be replaced.


Skincare Treatment

Skincare treatment is not only for women. Men generally have oilier skin. It is no surprise that men tend to have greater problems with their skin than women. Consult your trusted dermatologist for tips as to how to take care of your skin. People have different types of skin problems. Not one solution can fit all. Having a dermatologist identify the problem and advice you specifically on how to treat it can work wonders for your confidence. As a postscript: always drink plenty of water. Dehydration can cause your skin to dry and oil up.


Work Out

Lastly, always remember to work out. These new attires you’ve bought would not look good on a skeleton frame or a flabby gut. Working out and taking care of one’s body is a hallmark goal of every true gentleman. How can he start caring for others if he does not care for his own sake?


Being a gentleman, aside from having good personal values, is also about being appropriate on any occasion. Dressing up is an important part of being one. Hopefully, through these guides, you may be able to call yourself a gentleman.

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